The genealogical sample design of the PSID implies that for many sample members their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and siblings are also sample members. This design feature supports unique analyses of the inter- and intra-generational connections within families. To make it easier to create data extracts that include information on parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and siblings of the focal person, we have created the Family Identification Mapping System - FIMS.

To learn how to use FIMS, please read the FIMS User Guide and view the FIMS Web Tutorial.

To use FIMS please login, and then choose type of analysis file.

Analysis file:

Inter-generational analysis: GID
Inter-generation mapping: user selection
Example-1: Generation mapping process
Example-2: Merging balanced GID map with analysis data
Example-3: Merging unbalanced GID map with analysis data
SAS macros for merging GID map and data files
Intra-generational analysis: SIB
Intra-generation mapping: user selection
Example-4: Sibling mapping process
Example-5: Merging sibling map and analysis data files
SAS macros for merging sibling map and data files