This page contains early release files of Main and Supplemental Studies before they are released in their final edited form. If the table below is empty, all data have been released in their final form at this time.

The TAS-2023 Early Release ZIP file contains a single SAS data set and a copy of the box-and-arrow questionnaire. The SAS file includes all public release data collected except for data about employment. These files are *preliminary* and observations and values may change before final and complete files are released later. The TAS-2023 Early Release records can be merged with data from prior waves of CDS, TAS, and Core PSID using variables describing the family ID, ID68, and person number, PN; these variables are available as TAS23ID68 and TAS23PN in TAS-2023. These TAS-2023 records can be merged with Core 2021 PSID using TAS23YRID21 and TAS23SN21.

The project is sponsored by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver  National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

 5.67 MB