This page provides links to programs and data sets that have been created by the PSID user community. PSID staff does not offer user help for these products. If you would like to share your programs and/or PSID data, please contact us or see the PSID’s Open ICPSR data repository.
Data Sets
PSID-SHELF, 1968–2019, Beta Release
The Panel Study of Income Dynamics–Social, Health, and Economic Longitudinal File (PSID-SHELF) provides an easy-to-use and harmonized longitudinal file for the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). The file currently contains measures on demographics, family structure, educational attainment, family income, individual earnings, employment status, occupation, housing, and wealth—as well as key survey identifiers, panel status, sample weights, and household relationship identifiers. Prepared by Davis Daumler, Esther M. Friedman, and Fabian T. Pfeffer.
Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF): 1970-2019
The Cross-National Equivalent File is a user package of equivalently defined variables for nine general population household panel surveys including the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, the German Socio-Economic Panel, the British Household Panel Survey, the Canadian Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics, and more.
CDS-2020 Time Diary Weights: 2020
CDS-2020 time diary weights are provided as “User Generated” Data through OpenICPSR. Due to a low response rate and small sample size for the CDS-2020 time diaries, these weights are considered unofficial and being made available to researchers who understand the limitations (and potential uses) of these data. CDS-2020 was a follow-up data collection in the Fall of 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic for children who participated in the 2019 wave of CDS. Children’s time diaries in CDS-2020 were collected for a random weekday and a random weekend day.
PSID Family Composition File: 1968-2021
The Family Composition File contains details about PSID sample children (i.e., those related by birth or adoption to original PSID householders) from 1968 through 2021, each of his or her biological or adopted parents and siblings, and additional people living in their Family Unit. The data may be linked with PSID individual- or family-level data. Plans are underway to update the file through the most recent survey wave.
Food Access Module (FAM): 2001-2015
The Food Access Module (FAM) to the PSID is a data resource for researchers interested in examining how the physical food environment is associated with individual well-being in the United States. Created primarily from data drawn from the National Establishment Time-Series (NETS), a commercial database, FAM contains geographic indicators of various categories of food establishments across the United States from PSID waves 2001 to 2015. FAM is available via restricted data contract.
Poverty Threshold Data: 1968-2005
Lloyd D. Grieger created census-based poverty thresholds for each PSID family, 1968-2005.
Reason for job loss: 1968-1992
Johanne Boisjoly, Greg Duncan, and Tim Smeeding recoded, for the years 1968-1992, "job loss" data into the categories of laid-off, fired, quit, company folded, and missing.
Risk Tolerance: 1996
In 1996, Miles S. Kimball, Claudia R. Sahm, and Matthew D. Shapiro used the questions M1-M5 asked in the 1996 PSID Family Interview to impute variables of risk tolerance and risk aversion. For information about the construction of these variables please refer to their paper “Risk Preferences in the PSID: Individual Imputations and Family Covariation” and additional helpful information in the Appendix.
Philanthropy Module: 2001-2011
Cleaned cross-sections of PSID family data focused on the Philanthropy Module and a few important demographics and characteristics of families (e.g., income, wealth, etc.). Prepared by researchers at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.
Clean Processes Data: 1968-1999
Lee A. Lillard developed a unique method for analyzing the rich compendium of data collected by the PSID since its inception in 1968. Dr. Lillard created what he called "clean processes" to investigate a number of dynamic behaviors that are measured longitudinally in PSID, such as employment, marriage-divorce, and fertility.
Tax Variables: 1991
A SAS program, which creates tax variables for the 1991 PSID family data set.
Federal Income Tax Simulation (TAXSIM): 1992-2019
Prior to 1992 the PSID provided estimates of federal income tax payments for each tax unit in a PSID family based on simulations. From 1992 forward, it has been up to users to make these calculations. Most users take advantage of NBER’s TAXSIM, which makes it quite easy to calculate this information. For more information on PSID and TAXSIM please see the following papers: Butrica and Burkhauser (1997) & Kimberlin, Kim, & Shaefer (2015).