The 1968-2021 Individual File - Vietnam Draft Status File is a restricted file containing information about the likelihood that an individual was drafted for the Vietnam War based on their date of birth. All male individuals with birth years 1944-1952 are included in these calculations through the current wave of data collection.

Records on this file include individual identifiers (linkable to the 1968-2021 Individual File), as well as the Vietnam Draft Category variable ER32054. The Selective Service System (SSS) operated draft lotteries in each year between 1969-1972, assigning random draft numbers for men born in years 1944-1952 based on date and month of birth, and involuntarily conscripted (drafted for military service) men with draft numbers that rose sequentially until Department of Defense fulfilled their enlistment needs the subsequent year. The highest lottery number called into service was unknown for roughly one year after young men’s draft numbers were announced. However, across the years 1969-1972, draft numbers 95 and below were always conscripted, and in no year was a draft number above 195 conscripted.
  For those with a known date of birth, corresponding draft numbers are assigned to three categories

1= Almost certain conscription, draft number less than or equal to 95
2= Uncertain conscription draft number between 96 and 195
3= Almost certain to not be conscripted, draft number greater than or equal to 196

See the latest codebook for detailed information for each variable.