Occasionally, PSID creates auxiliary data files that include special generated variables.
These variables are not available in the Data Center.
1994-2007 | Social Security Income Type |
The file contains information on head’s and wives’ social security income type for 1994-2007 survey years
(question G33: "First let me ask about Social Security. Was that disability, retirement, survivor's benefits, or what?").
The data set includes four variables. For further information, please see the data file and documentation in the zip file. | ZIP FILE
|  | 180 KB | 11/18/09 |
2003 | Short-Term Co-Resident |
The 2003 Short-Term Co-Resident file is now available. The purpose of the
co-resident question series was to collect information on individuals who moved
in and out of a Panel Family between the 2001 and 2003 interviewing waves.
Information collected about these between-wave co-residents include their move in
and out dates and their relationship to the Head of their associated families.
Intro |
The ZIP file contains an ASCII data file, associated SAS, SPSS, and STATA data
definition statements, a PDF codebook and intro and an ASCII readme file. | ZIP FILE
|  | 132 KB | 03/02/2021 |
1998 | Calendar Methods Study |
The PSID Calendar Methods Study was a one-year project funded by the National Science Foundation. The primary goal of the project was to compare the data quality of retrospective reports on key social and economic variables with traditional standardized question-list (Q-list) interviewing methods versus those provided by event history calendar interviewing (EHC) methods. The PSID Calendar Methods Study is the first direct experimental comparison between EHC and standardized state-of-the-art Q-list interviewing methodologies. A full report of the PSID Calendar Methods Study is provided by Belli, Shay, and Stafford (2000).
Belli, Robert F., William L. Shay, and Frank P. Stafford. 2000. "Event history calendar and question list surveys: A direct comparison of interviewing methods." Survey Methodology Program Working Paper Series, Survey Research Center, University of Michigan.
About The PSID Calendar Methods Study
Demo Application Instructions
Download Demo Application
|  | 364 KB | 08/05/02 |  | 160 KB | 08/05/02 |
1985-1997 | Truncated Urban/Rural (Beale Code) |
The purpose of this zip file is to provide a public release version of the Urban/Rural (Beale Code) that is accessible
only via a restricted use contract. This truncated version collapses the two rural categories of the restricted Beale
code variable (value 9 and 10) into one rural category while retaining the remaining distinctions.This zip file contains
truncated Beale codes for the 1985-1997 waves. As we make other corrections to Family Files, truncated Beale codes will be
added as a part of any future re-release and will then be available through the datacenter. The data consist of 110,302 records,
one record for each family participating in the PSID from 1985-1997. The ZIP file contains a data file plus SAS, SPSS and Stata
statements as well as a codebook. | ZIP FILE
|  | 305 KB | 10/07/15 |
1993 | Health Care Burden File |
The 1993 Health Care Burden (HCB) file contains the detailed information
collected in the 1993 PSID interview concerning health events of the elderly
and their (primarily financial) burden on immediate and extended families. The
file contains one record for each older Head, Wife/"Wife", other family unit
member and parent of Head or Wife/"Wife". The purpose of the HCB supplements is
to help provide a better understanding about the impact of these events on the
families of the elderly. These supplements were funded by the National
Institute for Aging. | ZIP FILE
|  | 174 KB | 02/20/97 |
1993 | OFUM Income Detail File |
Beginning in 1993, the main family and individual files include somewhat less
income detail about individuals who are not current Heads, Wives and long-term
female co-habitors than was the past custom. Unlike the 1992 and earlier family
files, the 1993 family file does not include separate taxable amounts for up to
five earners, although the sum of all Other Family Unit Members' (OFUMs')
taxable income is still present. The portion of the main individual file that
contains 1993 data has three income variables: one for labor income, one for
asset income, and one for total transfer income of each person. It does not
contain the type variables for taxable and transfer incomes reported in 1993.
These dearths are more than compensated for with the 1993 OFUM Income Detail
File. For each OFUM, it contains separate sets of variables for labor income
from up to four jobs; two types of asset income, interest and other assets; and
the eleven types of transfer income recognized by the PSID. | ZIP FILE
|  | 246 KB | 02/16/99 |
1991 | Parent Health Supplement |
The supplement was conducted with a grant from the National Institute on Aging
through the Rand Corporation.
In 1991, the PSID asked an extensive questionnaire supplement about parents of
Head and Wife/"Wife". Because of the supplement's length, it is available as a
separate data file. The PHS data structure includes one record for each 1991
Head or Wife/"Wife" who had an eligible parent and who consented to the
supplement. Thus, if a consenting Head and Wife/"Wife" each had eligible
parents, two records exist on the supplemental file-- one for each pair of
The supplement focused on circumstances and events at the time when a parent was
no longer able to care for him or herself. To be eligible, at least one parent
had to be living and age 70 or more by May 31, 1991 or deceased no earlier than
1980 and age 70 or more at death. Since screening all Heads and Wives/"Wives"
to determine whether parents qualified for the supplement would have been
lengthy and wasteful of precious interviewing time, PSID data from the 1988
Time and Money Help Supplement, which asked, among many other things, about age
and sentience of parents, was used to "pre-qualify" them.
The ZIP file contains an ASCII data file, associated SAS and SPSS data
definition statements, an OSIRIS dictionary and a documentation file in ASCII
format with page breaks. | ZIP FILE
|  | 8.42 MB | 05/19/16 |
1990 | Self-Administered Supplement |
As part of the 1990 interviewing effort, funds were granted to Lee Lillard of
the Rand Corporation by the National Institute on Aging to supplement the PSID
with data about older panel members in the core (but not Latino) sample. Two
supplemental data files were produced.
Each 1990 Head and Wife/"Wife" age 50 or older was mailed a self- administered
questionnaire. The PSID had 3,276 core sample Heads and Wives/"Wives" in 1990
who were age 50 or older. We received 2,429 codeable questionnaires for a
response rate of 74.4%. The data file has one record per responding person.
The questions asked about the respondent's health, health care coverage, long
term care coverage, and asked permission for the PSID to obtain Medicare claims
information from the Health Care Financing Administration.
The ZIP file contains an ASCII data file, associated SAS and SPSS data
definition statements, an OSIRIS dictionary and a documentation file in
WordPerfect format.
|  | 2.99 MB | 05/19/16 |
1990 | Telephone Health Supplement |
As part of the 1990 interviewing effort, funds were granted to Lee Lillard of
the Rand Corporation by the National Institute on Aging to supplement the PSID
with data about older panel members in the core (but not Latino) sample. Two
supplemental data files were produced.
The 1990 telephone health questionnaire for Heads and Wives/"Wives" age 65 or
older was administered by the interviewer at the time of the main interview and
was returned along with the main questionnaire. The PSID sample for 1990
included 1,194 core families with Heads and/ or Wives/"Wives" who were age 65
or older. Of these 1,194 eligible families, we failed to obtain the supplement
for only 16 of them; thus the total number of families receiving the supplement
was 1,178. The data file has one record per eligible family.
The questions in this supplement covered detailed health care costs for
eligible Heads and Wives/"Wives". The data include separate cost and payment
source information associated with every hospitalization or nursing home stay
for each age-eligible Head or Wife/"Wife" during the twelve months prior to the
1990 interview. Similar cost and payment data about outpatient surgery, other
office visits, oral surgery, prescription medication, eyeglasses and hearing
aids, and professional and nonprofessional home care were also collected for
each eligible Head and/or Wife/"Wife". Some collective questions were included
about help with domestic duties, both paid and unpaid; help with financial
planning; and cash and non-cash gifts.
The ZIP file contains an ASCII data file, associated SAS and SPSS data
definition statements, an OSIRIS dictionary and a documentation file in ASCII
format with page breaks.
If you have used this file, please see the Data Errata. | ZIP FILE
|  | 5.96 MB | 05/19/16 |
1968-1985 | Relationship File |
The 1968-1985 Relationship file contains information about the relationship, on
a pair-wise basis, of all individuals who were ever part of, or derived from,
the same original 1968 household. Each record on the file contains variables
indicating relationship of a pair of individuals in each of the eighteen years
1968-1985. Typically, the analyst will wish to merge additional information
about the persons and their families from the PSID's 1968-1985 cross-year
individual file, provided with the Relationship file, and the 1968 to 1985
family files.
The ZIP file contains two ASCII data files, associated SAS, SPSS and OSIRIS
data definition statements, RTF codebooks and an ASCII readme file. | ZIP FILE
|  | 16.6 MB | 05/07/01 |